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Service arrangements

There are two regular services each week: at 9.30 a.m. on Sunday and 10 a.m. on Wednesday. If you are planning to attend a service, you may wish to wear a mask in the church building. Please respect social distance wherever possible. We will have hymns during the Sunday service.

The church can be opened for private prayer by arrangement with the ministers or church wardens (contact details below).

We are keen to support people in particular need, especially anyone who does not feel able to return to worship in church. Requests for help, support or prayer can be made to the Ministers Rev’d Nigel and Linda Washington or Dr Robert Johns on the contact links below. 

As always, put your hope in God, love one another deeply from the heart, look out for one another, as we become Christ’s example in the community and in our homes.

With love in Christ and with our prayers.

Revds Nigel and Linda Washington 01525 714442 

Nigel (vicar of Harlington) 07722297299

Robert Johns 01525 873214 or 07817 424003